Friday, December 14, 2007

Who Will Teach Your Kids?

Anyone who believes children are not smart demands to come up and remain with me for a while. For the past few months, my girl have been extremely concerned with how I pay for things. "Mommy, make you have got enough money for that? And how much makes that cost?" These inquiries have got been the focusing of our shopping trips. Rich Person Iodine created a Niggard that expressions at every dime we pass as a household or have got I created a witting person who is concerned with how and why money is spent? I would wish to believe the latter response is true, but only clip will tell.

Most people believe that we should go forth the acquisition to the schools, we'll I angrily disagree, here's why:

19% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 declared bankruptcy in 2001. (USA Today, 2001)
The fastest growth grouping of bankruptcy filers are those people who are 25 old age of age or younger. (Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, 2002)

Over 80% of undergrads have got at least one recognition card and nearly 50% of college alumni transport 4 or more than recognition cards. According to the Department of Education, the norm balance carried by these pupils is more than than $3,000. (Senator Chris Dodd, CT).

These statistics are alarming and scary. To believe that we are raising a coevals that makes not cognize how to esteem the money they gain is a mirror imaged of how we have got neglected our youth. We should not be surprised at the statistics mentioned above. We are raising a coevals who is more than concerned with downloading the up-to-the-minute itune than updating their portfolio. We should be concerned that our young person make not cognize the difference between April and an ARM. We necessitate to learn our children the importance of good credit, the advantages of nest egg and the long term benefits of investing.

A good pattern at any age is to assist children grouping their money and let it to have got a function. We necessitate to learn them the importance of:

1. Giving

2. Investing

3. Spending

Giving their ain money volition assist children recognize that this is portion of life and you will always harvest what you sow.

Investing will carry them to understand the importance of economy for long term use. Allowing children to pass money on toys, games or clothing will still let them some blink of an eye pleasure.

In Henry Martin Robert T. Kiyosaki's book; Elevation your Child's Financial IQ, he make a powerful gap statement: "If you don't learn your children about money, there are many people who will."

I certainly don't desire Capital One or Pursuit to learn my girl that paying the lower limit is Oklahoma and you can purchase your blink of an eye satisfaction now and pay for it later.

Later in the book, Mr. Kiyosaki also make the disclosure that, "...You don't acquire rich at work. You acquire rich at home." Even the Book states in Proverbs 23:4, " Bash not overwork to be rich."

The lesson to be learned is; that it is not how much you make, its how much you keep.

The Book states in Proverbs 22:6, "Teach your children to take the right path, and when they are older, they will stay upon it."

So even according to scripture, it is not up to the schools or Christian church to learn our children. It is up to the 1s Supreme Being entrusted them with...US!!

Let us not learn our children to climb up the corporate ladder, instead let's learn them to have it!

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